
2016年10月30日 星期日

面神經麻痺中樞型及週邊型口訣 facial palsy central vs peripheral

facial palsy central vs peripheral

記:Central -àcheek(因為額頭由上面兩側控制,單側的lesion不會影響額頭,只會影響cheek)
Peripheralper貫穿整個臉(字首per- == 貫穿、通、透、全、遍)


2016年10月15日 星期六


My wisdom tooth is killing me.( My tooth is killing me.)
Do I have any cavities
I think I need braces.(矯正器)

It hurts when I chew.
I feel pain when I eat/drink something hot/cold.
I think I have a cavity in this tooth.
I think I have a crack(裂開) in my tooth.
My gums bleed when I brush my teeth.
My gums are swollen.
My filling fell out.(我補牙的地方掉了)
My crown(牙套) came loose.
I have a loose tooth.
My wisdom teeth are coming in.(我正在長智齒)

The anesthetic has worn off and my tooth hurts.

2016年10月1日 星期六

殺雞敬猴 Terrorize one and the rest fall in line.

殺雞敬猴 Terrorize one and the rest fall in line.

(Cut to Dr. Bailey & Dr. Burke walking down a hallway)

DR. BAILEY: I’ve seen his file. George O’Malley barely made the cut to get into this program. He’s not your guy.

DR. BURKE: Oh, he’s my guy alright.

DR. BAILEY (huffs): Every year you pick your guy and every year your guy suffers more than any other intern on the surgical…

DR. BURKE (interrupts): Terrorize one and the rest fall in line.

DR. BAILEY: I get it. I respect it. But George! O’Malley’s a puppy.

(Camera switches to Katie’s parents walking down the hallway to Katie’s room.)

MRS. BRYCE: Katie Bryce. Room 30 6-0-4.

NURSE: It’s right there.