
2017年1月31日 星期二

Mosquito Season Means Zika Season, US Experts Warn microcephaly

Mosquito Season Means Zika Season, US Experts Warn     microcephaly

"We need a robust response to protect American women and reduce, to the greatest extent humanly possible, the number of families affected. We don't know who those children will be. We don't know where they will grow up, but anything we don't do now, we will regret not having done later," he said.

Frieden and other top doctors say Zika would not be a major threat except that it causes serious birth defects, including microcephaly, which literally means "small head."

"When a child is born with microcephaly, it's not because the skull was malformed, it's because the virus destroyed the brain cells, and the skull collapsed around the demolished brain," Frieden said.

From: http://www.voanews.com/content/mosquito-season-zika-season-congress-funding-us/3361095.html

2017年1月15日 星期日

go viral 是什麼意思?

go viral 是什麼意思?

 viral  [ˋvaɪrəl]  這個字是 "病毒" virus  [ˋvaɪrəs] 這個字的形容詞, 意思就是 "病毒的, 病毒般的",所以 go viral 字面上的意思是 "像病毒般蔓延"。它指的是某人或物透過社群網站或軟體廣為流傳而造成轟動。比如一個在 Youtube 或臉書上被人大量點閱, 推薦, 轉載/分享而爆紅的影片或人, 物。我們就可以說這個人, 物或影片 went viral(from: https://www.facebook.com/notes/teacher-sammys-english-teaching-blog/go-viral-%E6%98%AF%E4%BB%80%E9%BA%BC%E6%84%8F%E6%80%9D/626787834001841/)

#TryBeatingMeLightly: Fight Against Domestic Violence Goes Viral

When Pakistan's Council of Islamic Ideology proposed a law allowing men to beat their wives "lightly," photographer Fahhad Rajper responded with a photo project called "#TryBeatingMeLightly." As VOA's Andrew Palczewski reports, the campaign not only went viral on social media, but sparked a global conversation about domestic violence.(from: http://www.voanews.com/)