
2018年1月31日 星期三

基本性知識 The birds and the bees

基本性知識 The birds and the bees

The Birds and the Bees" is an English-language idiomatic expression and euphemism(婉辭) that refers to courtship and sexual intercourse. The "Birds and the Bees talk is generally the event in most children's lives in which the parents explain what sexual relationships are.

習慣用語the birds and bees已經有一百五十來年的歷史了,人們用the birds and the bees委婉地表示人的生殖繁育和性活動,以避免難以啟齒的窘迫境地。

例如:I know more about sex and the problems of unwanted pregnancy than my parents. My mom tries to explain the birds and the bees to me; she’s funny.

2018年1月1日 星期一

A&Ox3 "A and O times three" 意識清楚

A&Ox3  "A and O times three" 意識清楚

以前在病歷寫意識清楚,都寫Consciousness Clear。但美劇急診室的春天裡的對話,說的是:A and O times three
a clinical term of art for alert and oriented to person, place, and time.

Consciousness Clear:代表叫的醒且可對外界做出適當的反應, Consciousness Clear 就是Awareness 是好的 Awareness 表示病人具有(主動)感知周邊事物狀態的能力,並根據傳入的訊息(sensory input)做出適當反應.