post-operative fever
這是實習醫生影集裡面主任對於一位病房代號4-B的婦人開刀後仍然持續發燒,在查房中與intern的對話。C代表主任,intern A代表原來負責那位病患的intern;intern B就是片中的女主角Grey。
C:She's still short of breath.
Did you get an ABG or a chest film?
Intern A:Oh, yes, sir, I did.
C:And what did you see?
Intern A:I had a lot of patients last night.
C:Name the common causes of post-op fever.
Intern A:Uh, yes.(這時拿書出來翻)
C:From your head, not from a book.
Don't look it up.
Learn it.
It should be in your head.
Name the common causes of post-op fever.
Intern A:Uh the common causes of post ----
C:Can anybody name the common causes of post-op fever?
Intern B:Wind, water, wound, walking, wonder drugs.
The five W's.
Most of the time, it's wind, splinting or
Pneumonia's easy to assume, especially if you're
too busy to do the tests.
C:What do you think's wrong with 4-B?
Intern B:The fourth W, walking.
I think she's a prime candidate for a
pulmonary embolus.
C:How would you diagnose?
Intern B:Spiral CT , VIQ scan, provide O2, dose with heparin and consult for an IVC
C對Intern A:Do exactly as she says, then tell your resident that I want you off
this case.